If your internet is not functioning normally, please check the cabling (vacuuming, pets, kids, large temperature changes can cause cables to come loose over time). Also from time to time (a few times a year), nearly all electronic devices need a reboot to clear out caches, finish firmware updates and generally get a fresh start.
Check Cabling:
Gently tug on the computer cables to ensure they are pushed in all the way and the clip is keeping them from falling out. Check your WiFi router cables, as well as the two computer cables coming out of the little black/white box that leads to the antenna outside the building. Also, ensure the power cords are plugged in all the way. You should see a little light on the little black box.
Internet Service Reset/Reboot Procedure: (The Sequence and Timing are critical – please use a timer). Just one proper reboot is needed.
- Unplug power to the antennae (small black/white box).
- Unplug the power to your router
- Power down your computer
- After 30 seconds has past, plug in the power to the antennae (small black/white box)
- After another 30 seconds has past, plug the power into your router
- After waiting another 60 seconds, turn on your computer
- Test the connection and see if it is working as it should be
If this does still does not resolve your internet connection issues. Give us a call, text or an email and we’ll help get the issue resolved.
Scott Wade | AirGrids | scott@airgrids.com | Office (406) 924.9247 | 610 N Montana Street, Suite 20, Dillon MT 59725